Ursula Iguaron- Wife of Jose Arcadio Buendia, Mother of Colonel Aureliano Buendia, Jose Arcadio, and Amaranta. She believe that her husband is crazy. Although she plays along with many of Buendia's ideas and activities, she has a tendancy to ignore him whenever possible but does get rather angry / disappointed with her husband on a regular basis.
...relied on those animals to increase their poor domestic holdings was unable to disuade him (2)
Ursula wept in consternation. The money was from a chest of gold coins that her father had put together over an entire life of privation that she had buried underneath her bed in hopes of a proper occation to make use of it" (3).
After awhile, Ursula simply gives up on her husband.
"If you have to go crazy, please go crazy all by yourself...But don't try to put your gypsy ideas into the heads of the children" (5)
...she would let him dig up her colonial coins and increase them by as many times as it was possible to subdivide mercury. Ursula gave in as always to her husband's unyielding obstinacy" (7).
Ursula's capasity for work was the same as that of her husband. Active, small, severe, that woman of unbreakable nerves, who had no moment in her life had been heard to sing seemed to be everywhere from dawn until quite late at night, always persued by her soft whispering of her stiff starched petticoats (9)
...Ursula would plug her ears with beeswax so as not to lose her sense of reality (9).
"You'll be responsible for what happens" (22)
Ursula followed the gypsy's to find her son. Odd magical things started to happen after Ursula left (34-36)
"Ursula admitted him [Pilar's son] grudgingly, conquered once more by the obstinacy of her husband, who could not tolerate the idea that an offshoot of his blood should be adrift". (37)
Fed Rebeca rubarb and orange juice to help her recover from eating only damp things from the courtyard and whitewash from the walls) (44)
"Ursula had got that idea from the afternoon when she saw Rebeca and Amaranta changed into adolescence, and it could almost have been said that the main reason behind the construction was a desire to have a proper place for the girls to receive visitors." (59)
"Ursula never forgave what she considered an incomceivable lack of respect and when they came back from church she forbade the newlyweds to set foot in the house again." (93)
"He's alive... Let's pray to God for his enemies to show him clemency." (121)
"We've done our duty by baptizing them." (151)
"Ursula felt tormented by grave doubts concerning the effectiveness of the methods with which she had molded the spirit of the languid apprentice SUPREME POTIFF, but she did not put the blame on her staggering old age or the dark clouds that barely permitted her to make out th shape of things, but on something that she herself could not really define and that she conceived confusedly as a progressive breakdown of time" (245)
(Ursula is getting older)
(Ursula is bed-ridden)
"Ursula cried in lamentation when she discovered that for more than three years she had been a plaything for the children. She washed her painted face, took off her strips of brightly colored cloth, the dried lizards and frogs, and the rosearies and old arab necklaces that they had hung all over her body, and for the first time since the death of Amaranta she got up out of bed without anybody's help to join in the family life once more. The spirit of her invincible heart guided her through the shadows." (333)
"They found her dead on the morning of Good Friday. The last time that they had helped her calculate her age, during the time of the banana company, she had estimated it as between one hundred fifteen and one hundred twenty-two." (342)

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